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I speak on the topic of effecting brave social change through the creation of strong, innovative infrastructure to sustainably support and scale all of the change that is created. I have had the privilege of advising and partnering with boards of directors, CEOs, Presidents, and executive teams in nearly every region of the world about how to strengthen their organizational infrastructure to ensure that they have a sound foundation to create innovative programmatic outcomes.

And I have helped build and design grant makers in countries around the globe to get hundreds of millions of dollars out faster to diverse communities in need, especially those that are hidden in complex regulatory regimes that devalue their rights or ignore their voices.

My audiences are world-changers, status-quo breakers, and risk-takers. And I speak so they can inspire others to step into these roles as well because we need more change that breaks cycles of exclusion and creates positive, sustainable impact.

I challenge my audiences to not only think about infrastructure as a way to create a legacy of change for communities that are often out of society’s focus and out of hope and options, but to also understand infrastructure as a programmatic muscle that should be strengthened instead of an after-thought of process and policies. Whenever I speak at an event, many attendees often tell me, “I wish I had known you when I was getting started; we would have structured ourselves so much better,” and “I wish I had talked to you a long time ago; it would have saved us so much time and headaches.” And sometimes that phrase simply ends with “you would have saved us.”

So, in all of my speaking engagements, I have to speak bravely about the role infrastructure should play because I want even the smallest, grassroots organizations to thrive. As a speaker, I help you see how infrastructure can help you and your organization change the course of history.

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Previous Speaking Engagements:

  • PEAK Grantmaking: Grant-Making Innovation: Are you ready?
  • Build Up Advisory Group Webinar: Surviving COVID-19 and Beyond: Practical Recommendations for Nonprofits
  • NYS Society of CPAs: Private Foundations and Donor Advised Funds Can Get Along
  • Philanthropy New York: Essential Skills and Strategies for New Grantmakers

I attended a presentation by Nicole Campbell of Build Up Advisory Group on board development and immediately knew that she was the person our non-profit organization needed to work with to create a stronger, more engaged, vibrant, and productive non-profit organization.  The presentation and educational session she provided was a wake-up call for many of our members and pinpointed the places where we were successful and more importantly, the places we needed to put in the hard work to make sure our entity remains sustainable. Nicole can provide the methodology and structure for any organization to create a call to action. Her depth of knowledge will assist in the development of a compelling programmatic vision and strategy in order to build a strong infrastructure and a sustainable organization. Her experience and insight and into the world of board governance and development is something any organization which wants to survive the “new normal” needs to avail themselves of.


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